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What has been discovered? The Myths The Last Emperor Metamorphosis The Song of Hyerreus The Art of the Courtesan Sonnets

The Literature of Herenor

Click below to read about the variety of works that have come to light, or to read the opening sections of individual works.

Short Stories Four Seasons in Delphi

An outline of the whole work - which works have come to light, and when they date from

This poem recounts the life of Hyerreus, whose teachings led to the establishment of a new religion across the continent

The opening of the short story by Meliora Sarrale, depicting the Queen Défonde’s grief at the death of her husband Dúhar

An excerpt from Macers Rythiov’s novel The Last Emperor, a fictional account of an emperor’s verdict on his predecessors

The opening of the first two Holy Books of the Hàhan scriptures, concerning the Beginning of Times and the Creation

A series of seven poems reflecting on the struggle of the individual against the absurdity of life and death

Forty nights of dreams haunt the protagonist of this novella, as he makes his way towards his destiny at the centre of Altans

The fictional letters between members of the rigid aristocracy of the late Meriesan court

Four sonnets from the collection The Fool’s Gold by Opfeser

An excerpt from the collection of strange and haunting short stories by the absurdist writer Ensin Chersò

Set in Archaic Greece, this is the most recent of the works, a short story from the period before the final disappearance of Herenor

Dreamwalker Itinera Felicia

© Copyright Paul David Holland 2017


The world’s oldest extant poem, relating the myth of Foen, King of the Birds, who seeks God in the First Land to save his people from death


Classical tragic drama set at the moment King Bennàthúf leads his people into their Chosen Land

Discovery Bennathuf Myths Foen Last Emperor Duhar Sonnets Itinera Dreamwalker Four Seaons Hyerreus Courtesan Cherso